If you can’t see the flute that’s right for you amongst those currently in stock, why not commission your own flute?
I’ll be happy to talk through your requirements with you and help you finalise your ideas – my contact details are on the “Contact” page.
There are a few types of Custom Made flute available here. Firstly there is the Buffalo Grass flute – this flute is made from the least expensive woods, has only one choice of finish (a rustic finish with oil to protect it), a basic unadorned block, and a simple leather tie. The Buffalo Grass flute is £80.
My mid-range flute is the Mountain Song flute – It is made from one of my full range of standard woods; you can choose the block colour – and the block will be somewhat more elaborate. You can also choose more in the way of finish (which is a much finer sanded than the Buffalo Grass), and a little decoration. The price for a Mountain Bird flute is £140. The price includes shipping.
The prestige range is the Summer Eagle. With this flute you have a full choice of wood (any I can obtain), the bird/block will be more elaborate, and you have the full choice of decoration that I offer. I can also do any finish in my range; oil, oil and wax, french polish etc. The base price of a Summer Eagle flute is £160 but I will quote for each of these individually. The price includes shipping.